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Risk-Free and
Client Savings

Demonstrate your proactive and strategic approach to mitigating pharmacy risk for your groups.

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Risk-Free and
Client Savings

Demonstrate your proactive and strategic approach to mitigating pharmacy risk for your groups.

Demonstrate your proactive and strategic approach to mitigating pharmacy risk for your groups.

As health care costs continue to climb, helping your groups find the tools they need to achieve cost savings while offering an attractive benefits package to employees is more important than ever. Rx Concierge is the pharmacy benefits management strategy that will bring significant reduction in your groups’ pharmacy spend, with no change to their benefit plan and no member disruption. There is zero risk, only reward.

Guaranteed Savings

Local Business
~1,000 Members

Exceeded their Guarantee: +$76,000
ROI: 365%

Technology and Human Expertise – See How it Works

Savings Trend Analysis Report

Life Saving.
Money Saving.

Rx Concierge identified a member using an injectable epinephrine device for anaphylactic attacks at a significant underdose. We worked with the prescriber, who reviewed the member’s prescription and increased the dosage, ensuring protection from future allergic attacks.

Member Savings: $65/Fill

Group Savings: $273/Fill

Connect with an expert

Want to learn more about guaranteed savings? Whether you’re an employer, broker, or health plan, fill out the form today and someone from our team will reach out to answer all your questions.